Okay, you’ve decided to have a psychic reading and you’re looking for that trained expert who will perform it. In line with this, there’s a big question that you need to address: How do you choose your psychic reader? If you live in California, then you’re in luck since the state is filled with California psychics that are known for their legitimacy. Professionals who are known for their impressive accuracy, superb demonstration of psychic ability, and long history of customer satisfaction, among others. Despite this, bear in mind that you have to do your homework and take note of certain things before you hire one. Below are some of the most important ones.
This is arguably the most important thing that you should do. In relation to this, don’t be fooled by sweet talk and misleading marketing techniques. Some deceptive practitioners can talk you into hiring their services. Alternatively, they may show you their expensive, yet misleading website. Don’t fall for this trap and scrupulously research first. While, it’s true that not all psychics are created equal and some have their own special talents and methods of reading, some are just out there to deceive potential clients. During your research, take note of the following:
- Method of reading
Some California psychics utilize tarot cards, palms, and coffee or tea leaves. Some even channel spirits in an effort to offer effective and efficient psychic reading. While their method of reading doesn’t really matter, it’s best to be acquainted of it so as to make sure that you can get the answers to your questions and at the same time appreciate the whole process.
- Testimonials
Scrutinize the testimonials on their website. Bear in mind that testimonials can be a bit misleading too because some dishonest practitioners may create fake accounts and fake positive testimonials. If you really want to make sure that the testimonials are legit, you can try contacting the individuals who made them. Alternatively, you can check companies such as California Psychics (californiapsychics.com) since they encourage clients to leave their feedback regarding their psychics so that potential customers like you can see them.
- Website content
Some psychics practice hard selling in an effort to get new clients and pry their money. That’s why you should be on the lookout for phrases such as “The spirits tell you to do this.” The psychic can’t tell you want to do, he/she can just help you make the right decisions and guide you in your life’s journey.
Beware of scam warning signs
- They can solve all your problems.
This is something that some psychics may say. Such a statement is a sign of a clear-cut scam. A legit psychic who is based in California or elsewhere can only give guidance and not solve your problems.
- Hides charges
To boost their earnings, many psychics add other charges on top of the rate that was originally explained to you. Take note that they’re not extra charges of extra time as well as services, they’re something like an extra candle even though it’s unnecessary.
- Scares you with curses
A scared client is like a cash cow for deceptive psychics. Putting this factor into consideration, avoid so called psychics who bring out curses. Take note that there’s no such thing as curses and there’s nothing in your life that you can’t control. Mentioning curses generally makes you feel, say, powerless in terms of making life changes. Simply put, those who utilize curses pretty much want to instill fear in you to milk out money from you.
- You need regular readings
Abstain from psychics that stress that you need regular readings if you want to achieve your life goals or know your true path. Remember that regular guidance is okay, but you don’t need to call them each time you’re going to make a serious and/or life-changing decision. There’s nothing wrong if want to ask for their opinion or help, but you still need to be independent and live your life without someone influencing every move that you make.
- This is what your future holds
A significant number of psychics out there pride upon their unique skill of telling what the future holds for you. This is not true because all of us have volition or free will and putting this factor into consideration, they cannot foretell your future because it’s not yet determined. Don’t believe your psychic’s take about your future, regardless if they’re good or bad because you have control over it and only you decide whether or not it will take place.
Be mindful of different kinds of psychics
You may not know it, but there are different kinds of psychic advisors out there that employ various reading style. In line with this, bear in mind that there are different psychics for different personality. This aspect is important since it can make or break a particular reading. If you need help with this aspect then read the succeeding paragraph.
- Straightforward psychic reader
Picture this: a frank individual who tells everything without hesitation or qualms and even if it’s quite difficult for people to swallow. That’s a straightforward psychic advisor. He/she doesn’t waste time to deliver the facts and actionable advice in an effort to help you achieve your objectives. For instance, if you want clarification regarding your career path, he’ll give you guidance in an instant. On the other hand, if you’re heartbroken and want advice, don’t be discouraged or hurt if his/her words are not sugarcoated. You may not like straightforward psychics at first, but they’re very helpful and they’re here to stay.
- Gentle psychic reader
A gentle psychic reader is the exact opposite of a straightforward psychic reader. Looking for someone like this is essential if you’re going through a tough as well as discouraging time and you want a gentle voice to get you over it, but in a gentle and cautious manner. His/her style delivers the necessary message in such a way that helps ease bad vibes and negative energies that you encounter. To add, a gentle psychic can also help shun away the drama that you’re currently experiencing. This is essential because it can give you a clearer as well as a positive outlook on the “road blocks” that lie ahead. If you’re a sensitive individual and you want your message to be delivered to you in a gentler manner, a gentle psychic advisor is perfect for you.
- Inspirational Psychics
In case you’re looking for a California psychic that is somewhere between the gentle psychic advisor and his/her gentle counterpart, then an inspirational one is just what the doctor ordered for you. An inspirational psychic is perfect if you want the truth, but you don’t want to be cuddled as well. That being said, with this particular psychic, you can obtain actionable advice with regard to your life path.
Know yourself
In addition to the said precautionary measures, you also need to know yourself if you want to find obtain the right expert who will perform the psychic reading. For instance, do you possess an earth sign and because of this, you look for a, say, pragmatic approach? Or a water sign and you want spiritual support each time you “dig deep?” In line with this, ask yourself if you feel supported or listened to when a certain person that you’re talking to matches your energy when responding. Or do you yearn for someone who cultivate a compassionate or gentle composure, regardless of your emotions, particularly in moments when you’re sharing your deepest secrets, feelings, and so on.
Also, you’re probably tired of feeling like you can communicate well with your partner. To address this, you need to choose the gender of your psychic. To add, would you like to obtain a spiritual perspective on the circumstances at hand and you want to know what the bigger picture is? Or do you want predictions of what will take place and when? Having a clear picture of your needs may play a key role in helping you determine if the psychic that you are picking is going to meet them.
Addressing the abovementioned factors is essential because the better you know yourself: your personality, preference, and communication style, among others, the better you can find the psychic advisor that best suits you. In line with this, you can absorb what he/she wants to convey.
Summing up
Again, if you live in California and you want to make sure that your first psychic reading will be one for the books, then you may find the tips and pointers here to be helpful. Remember, to get what you’re looking for, you need to do your homework and exert a little effort. In the end, you can be rest assured that it’s going to be worth it.
How about you? Do you reside in LA, California and you have a go-to psychic that never let’s you down? You may want to share how you found him or her in the first place. Many first-timers will definitely appreciate your gesture.